- We will never disclose your business name or details unless you have interviewed a candidate personally or you instruct us to forward your contact details to a candidate.
- We will represent you to our network of prospective skilled employees looking for employer sponsorship through the Australia migration program
- We will assist you with your prospective employer sponsorship application shall you find a suitably qualified candidate for employer sponsored migration and act as your representative to the Australian Department of Immigration if you choose to appoint us as your representative to make your applications.
- Your positions that you are seeking to fill will be included in our ongoing campaigns to highlight your candidacy as an employer sponsorship. Your identity will not be disclosed.
- We reserve the right to terminate services without refund should you not disclose all relevant information or if you are found to have been misleading or fraudulent in your details provided to us.
- The Seeking Sponsorship service is provided to you is to assist you with finding suitably qualified candidate for employer sponsored migration to Australia. Global Migration Partners has not offered a guarantee that you will be successful in finding suitably qualified candidates. It is the department of Immigration who decides approvals for Businesses Sponsorship, Position Nominations and Visa applications.
- Seeking Sponsorship service is provided by GMP (ABN: 74672562835).
Terms and Conditions Businessesadmin2024-03-19T06:31:29+11:00